Pizza Menu

Here is our constantly evolving menu of pizza's that we serve at pop ups and markets around Los Angeles.


Classic Margherita  $15.00

San Marzano style tomatoes, fresh basil, fresh mozzarella, signature soffritto

Classic Pepperoni $15.00

San Marzano style tomatoes, Italian cheese blend, classic pepperoni           

Boujee $17.00

Fresh pesto, fresh mozzarella, prosciutto, arugula, honey, parmesan            

Il Chicano $17.00

Chori-man Red Zacateca chorizo, fresh chimichurri, roasted corn, Mexican crema, cotija, fresh cilantro     

Kale Mushroom Goat Cheese $17.00

Fresh pesto, crimini mushrooms, Tuscan kale, chevre style goat cheese      

Vegan Margherita $17.00

Classic Margherita with Vevan plant-based cheese




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